Monday, August 20, 2012

A Painter Meets Mr. Painter

Mrs Painter's  Love Inspired Painting

I love love stories. I love the word LOVE.  

I love these verses regarding love...Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. As for prophecy ( the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose its value and be superseded by truth].And so faith, hope, love abide [faith—conviction and belief respecting man’s relation to God and divine things; hope—joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love—true affection for God and man, growing out of God’s love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love.- I Corinthians 13:4-13 Amplified Version.

Love is not blind, it sees more not less but because it sees more, it is willing to see less...and this is one of my favorite love quotes since i was in elementary. I read it from a christian book during my early christian life.

Now, talking about love and love stories, let me share this wonderful love story that  i really like. I happened to interview a co-blogger and a friend who found her love. She's a blogger and an artist at the same time. She paints so i call this love story as, A Painter Meets Mr. Painter (the last name of her found lover, whose last name become now hers). 

Mrs Painter's other Love Inspired Painting

Here's my interview with Mrs Theresa Flores-Painter.....

Wedding Dreams And Reality:
 What was your dream wedding?

 Theresa Flores Painter:

My dream wedding had always been a simple one, very intimate and private, only 50 very carefully and picked out guests composed of family and long time friends but memorable and elegant. And that's what Russell gave me.

Wedding Dreams And Reality:
Have it ever occured in your mind that you will not be able to get married 
and stay single forever? If so, how did you overcome it?

 Theresa Flores Painter:

Yes it had. I dreamed of getting married someday but I feared getting involved again  because I've been hurt before. It took a lot of prayers and a great amount of understanding from my husband who was then my boyfriend and best friend. I was single by choice. I wouldn't let anyone in until I was certain this was the one. I have so much love to give and I'd only give it to someone I'd fully trust and he has to prove his worth.

Wedding Dreams And Reality:
How did you meet each other?

 Theresa Flores Painter:

We met 12 years ago on the net. Our love story is one for the record.

Wedding Dreams And Reality:

How long did you wait for him to meet you in person?

 Theresa Flores Painter:

Three years ago, he asked permission to visit but I didn't let him. I knew if we got together he could fall for me as he already expressed interest then but I was still hurting from my previous broken relationship. I thought it wouldn't be fair to him if I would let him come and I was only half-hearted about the visit. Even though I thought I wasn't in love with him then yet, I cared for him very much and was very careful not to hurt him because I know how it felt to be rejected and hurt by someone you love.

We continued to be friends despite that. I still cared for him, he still cared for me and our friendship continued to grow, Finally sometime in August 2011, he tried to get my permission to let him visit and this time I said yes .

Wedding Dreams And Reality:

How long were you engaged before you got married?

Theresa Flores Painter:
We got engaged Feb. 23, 2012 and got married August 3, 2012. 5 months and 11 days

Wedding Dreams And Reality:

 How did he propose marriage to you?

Theresa Flores Painter:   

Russell knows me too well to know how to do it in a way I might prefer it to be done. I won't go into details but it was very private and quiet which was what I liked.And after I said yes, we went to talk to my parents and asked their blessing.

Wedding Dreams And Reality:

 How did you know that he is the one?

Theresa Flores Painter:  

 You just know.

Wedding Dreams And Reality:

 Can you tell more about Mr Painter (His civil status before you met him)?

Theresa Flores Painter:  
Russell was married when I met him. He introduced me to his wife who was also handicapped and it was her that I was initially close to. She died in 2006 and our loss ( he lost a wife and I lost a very good, close friend) both affected us so much and found comfort in each other as we both have good memories of her.

Mr. Painter and his son from his late wife

Russell is into woodwork. He makes bowls and pens and candlesticks out of different wood materials as a hobby. He is also a motorcyclist and used to be a very active member of "Christian Motorcyclists Association" (CMA) in Australia. He's still a member but he lives here now.

Wedding Dreams And Reality:

How did you prepare for your wedding?

Theresa Flores Painter:  
With a lot of prayers and help from friends.


 Wedding Dreams And Reality: 

You are a blessed woman, i can say. What can you tell single people who want to get married yet still single and already reached their late 30's or 40's? What encouragement can you give to those who are physically challenged who want to settle down?

 Theresa Flores Painter:   

If it's God's will, it'll happen. Just pray, trust God and Choose wisely. Don't rush! Wait for the right person.

 To the physically challenged, don't lose hope. We have as much right and chance as everybody else. The challenge is to find someone exceptional who can see past the physical defects and love you for the person you've become.

 Thank you for giving me the chance to share my story with you. God bless!


Thank you, Thess for sharing your wonderful love story.
 God bless you and your husband, too! 
Keep on loving God...keep on loving each other and stay happy!
 NOTE: photos courtesy of Mrs Thess Flores Painter. You can also visit her blogs here:

Copyright © 2012 by Mari Ann Rose "Mariah" F. Gadapan . All rights reserved worldwide. 
I put "copyright" on my every post because this is my blog site, it's like my signature on my every post. 
By the grace of God I am what I am

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Women...We Are Not A Taste Test!

 " as a woman, you are are not a taste test either. No man should be able to sample you and then decide if he wants to pay the cost associated with claiming you as his own. Neither should he have the freedom to sample and discard you in pursuit of something that he thinks might taste better or have a lower price. You are priceless- fearfully and wonderfully made. God shaped and molded you in his own image. You were created, redeemed and deeply loved and valued by God. Therefore, the man who wants to be involved with you should have to count the cost. Understand your worth and know your value. Realize that your value does not decrease if you are alone. Your value increases according to your depth of character. Having a man is not what gives you value. Your value is established and stated by God before the beginning of time."
-from the book, What Women Dont Know (and Men Don't Tell You)
Copyright © 2012 by Mari Ann Rose "Mariah" F. Gadapan . All rights reserved worldwide.
I put "copyright" on my every post because this is my blog site, it's like my signature on my every post. 

 By the grace of God I am what I am.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Something To Ponder On

 Just a thought to ponder on  and i believe there's truth in this:
"Never marry a man who hates his mother, 
because he'll end up hating you."
- Jill Bennett

Copyright © 2011 by Mari Ann Rose "Mariah" F. Gadapan . All rights reserved worldwide.
I put "copyright" on my every post because this is my blog site, it's like my signature on my every post. 
 By the grace of God I am what I am. 
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